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Crystal Salt
Crystal Salt

"Set an Intention and combine it with Action"

What is Coaching?

It is “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.” (ICF definition)

Intention and Action are two essential steps of the coaching process. 

About Me

In addition to being a Yoga teacher, I am a Coach specialised in the personal and professional development of my coachees/clients.


I am registered at the Italian Association of Professional Coaches (AICP) and I received my diploma as a professional coach in 2021 from Karakter Coaching School.


Previously, I held positions in European and international associations in Brussels and Florence, acquiring skills in different areas: organization, communication and coordination activities.


I hold a Bachelor's degree in Political Science and a Master's degree in International Relations and European Studies from the University of Florence.

About Coaching 

What's the role of the Coach?


As a Coach I support individuals (coachees), to achieve their goals, which can be personal (e.g., improve their physical wellbeing) or professional (e.g., to be a more inclusive leader).


I do so by using a variety of techniques that I have learned through my experience, asking the right questions and supporting you during the coaching sessions on which we will partner together.


What's the role of the coachee?


The questions stimulate a series of reflections that empower the coachee to review their limiting beliefs, explore new possibilities, and gradually enact the change that they desire (active role). Therefore your needs as a coachee are at the center.


I will support you on this very path of personal/professional awareness and growth.


If this catches your curiosity, let's talk about it together in a free introductory coaching session, so you can decide if this is the right method for you.

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